Complaint Channels

You can let us know your feedback or complaint about our products or services via hotline, email or by post. We are committed to handle all complaints fairly and impartially.

Hotline +852-39161734
Email Address
Office Address 46/F, Champion Tower, 3 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong


Handling Process

Upon receipt of your feedback or complaint, we will contact you to collect more information. We will review your case and try to offer you a resolution. The information provided will be kept strictly confidential.

CMBI will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 7 calendar days. After investigation,CMBI will reply to you with the investigation result. We aim to respond all complaints in 2 calendar months but the handling time may vary depending on product, case complexity or other factors.

If you are not satisfied with our investigation result of your complaint, you may consider seeking review of your case by the relevant industry or regulatory body.

Address: 45th & 46th Floor, Champion Tower, 3 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong

Telephone: (852)3900 0888 Fax:(852)3761 8788

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